Construction begins

Construction begins

First Building goes up

First Building goes up

TV crews interview about orphanage

TV crews interview about orphanage

Monday, March 3, 2008

Mission Team Heads to Honduras March 15

Two weeks from today a team from Grace Point Church will be standing on the spot in this picture where we will begin laying the foundation for the first buildings of the orphanage. Please pray for our team members who have been called by God to help with this project:

1. Jody Harris
2. Sydney Harris
3. Rene Forey
4. Joseph Garlitz
5. Misse Mbongo
6. Linda Norvy
7. Oscar Ramirez
8. Steve Stoner
9. David Moore
10. Mark Richey
11. Chloe Richey
12. Tim Heibel pd
13. Michael Stanard,
14. Carol Stanard
15. Justus Stanard
16. Veronica Valverde
17. John Walters
18. Mason Stone

Grace Point work team

Grace Point work team